Welcome to the MUDE in Madras Textbook#
IITM Workshop Note
This textbook reuses MUDE materials as much as possible to illustrate our teaching material in a realistic way. Notes to IITM Workshop will be added in boxes like this as needed to provide additional information.
Welcome to the MUDE textbook for the 2024-25 academic year. This is where assigned reading is located, along with interactive exercises to practice and study the module material.
Interactive Pages—Use Python in your Browser!
This online textbook has a number of pages that are set up to be used interactively. You can use the “Live Code” button under the Rocket Ship icon in the top right to activate the interactive features and use Python interactively!
Sometimes the interactivity will involve completing an exercise, whereas on other pages it might simply provide the opportunity to edit the contents of code cells and execute it to explore the page contents interactively. Other pages may provide interactive figures (e.g., widgets).
This feature is supported by TeachBooks.
Spot a mistake?#
If you spot a mistake, you can click on , login with your NetID and report your issue. It’ll be solved soon!
Have a question / answer?#
If you’ve a question regarding any content, look at https://answers.citg.tudelft.nl/ to see if it’s already there. If not, ask a new question! Your teachers and TAs will look into it soon! If you’ve an answer to on of the question posted there, you’re welcome to answer questions yourself! More info on the answers platform can be found here
That can happen, let us know how we can make it work for you! Send an email to MUDE-CEG@tudelft.nl